Due to government guidelines regarding the coronavirus, the Keep San Saba Beautiful “Don’t Mess with Texas” City-Wide Spring Cleanup scheduled for today is canceled. The spring cleanup will be rescheduled at a later date. For more information, phone 325-372-5200.
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Due to government guidelines regarding the coronavirus, the San Saba County Chamber Creative Quilting Event scheduled for April 16th & 17th, 2020, featuring Susan K. Cleveland, has been canceled! Funds will be returned to any individuals who prepaid. For more information, phone the Chamber Office at 325-372-5141 or email executive.director@sansabachamber.com

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.