
Spring Field Day Sponsored by Soil & Water Conservation and AgriLife @ San Saba Civic Center
Apr 11 @ 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

We would like to invite everyone to our 2nd Annual Spring Field Day. The San Saba Soil and Water Conservation District, along with the Texas Agrilife Extension Service, is hosting the spring field day at the San Saba Civic Center on Thursday, April 11th. We are accenting RSVPs until April 1st.

A flyer has been posted in the paper and around town with additional event information. All landowners, new and old or anyone who would like to learn more about agriculture, are encouraged to spend the day with us. Various topics offered during the course of the day include cattle herd health, brush management, wild hog control, soil health, wildlife, prescribed burning, and much much more. Visit with vendors ranging from aerial flying services to rainwater harvesting.

The day will start at 8:30 a.m. and run through 3:30 p.m. CEU hours are offered and a catered meal will be served. If you want to be a good steward of the land and help conserve this precious commodity, then this is the place for you!!

For more information and to RSVP, please contact Carol Gibson at the USDA Office, 325-372-5638, or Candy Willis at the Texas Agrilife Extension Office, 325-372-5416.