The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.
The San Saba Bird and Nature Club will host its September meeting on Tuesday, September 21st beginning at 2:00 p.m. using the Zoom platform. Please note the Zoom platform will be used for this year’s presentations, alternated with field trips.
The September program will be with Rufus Stephens. Stephens and Jan Wrede wrote Attracting Birds in the Texas Hill Country-A Guide to Land Stewardship. After years of working with landowners, land managers, naturalists, county officials, and others about wildlife management and land stewardship for birds in the Texas Hill Country, biologist, Rufus Stephens, and educator, Jan Wrede, teamed up to write a practical guidebook on how to improve habitat for birds on both small and large properties throughout the Hill Country. To learn more, visit https://bit.ly/3k8xT1T.
Below is the information needed to join the meeting:
Topic: SSBNC-Attracting Birds in the TX Hill Country with Rufus Stephens
Time: Sep 21, 2021 02:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 761 1171 8242
Passcode: EA9F8e
All with an interest are welcome to attend the meeting. Though all are invited to join, you need not be a member to attend SSBNC programs. For more information about San Saba Bird and Nature Club visit the www.sansababirdandnatureclub.org or call 325-372-7615.
The San Saba County Chamber of Commerce invites you to join us for our 9th Annual Sip N’ Stroll Wine Tasting Event and Lighted Christmas Parade. The widely popular Sip N’ Stroll begins on Saturday, December 11th, from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. This year we will host eight visiting and two local wineries pouring delicious tastes of their wines in our downtown businesses. With your ticket, you will receive a wine glass and tote bag. Check-in at the San Saba Visitors Center located at 113 S. High St. All wineries will have their signature wines for sale by the glass or bottle.
For ticket information, visit eventbrite.com.