
An Aboriginal Campsite on the San Saba River Possibly Dating to the Spanish Colonial Period @ San Saba Civic Center
Nov 15 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Charles (Chuck) Hixson has been involved in archaeology for over 30 years, including graduate studies at the University of Texas at Austin, professional work, and as a member of the Llano Uplift Archaeological Society (LUAS). Archaeological work in San Saba County includes, surveys for electrical transmission lines and water pipelines and test excavations in the LCRA Nature Park. In recent years, with Chuck as the principal investigator, the LUAS has been active in San Saba County conducting archaeological surveys on private land. Late in 2014, the LUAS excavated a possible historic Indian site on the San Saba River, which will be the subject of his talk.


The Hill Country Archeological Association (HCAA) will have its general meeting on Saturday September 17, 2016 at the Riverside Nature Center, 150 Francisco Lemos, Kerrville. The meeting, open to the public, will begin at 12:30pm.

In the 1700’s, many Toyah camps dotted the Edwards Plateau with Perdiz points and European components the norm, except for one lone camp which contained neither. This camp on the San Saba River remains a mystery. Chuck Hixon, Professional Archeologist and member of the Llano Uplift Archeology Society (LUAS) will discuss the Wilson Site on the San Saba River. Hixson received his BA and MA degrees in anthropology from the University of Texas at Austin. Hixson’s thesis project dealt with southwestern pottery making technology, specifically with a study of the paint on Mogollon Black on White pottery. Hixson has developed this interest into an art. Using open firing pits and aboriginal techniques, he produces exquisitely thin walled, bone tempered vessels from clays he has collected from throughout the local area


Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 29 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 30 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 31 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Cow Camp Cookoff 2019 @ Risien Park
Jun 7 all-day

Click images below to download pdf doc versions of both the team registration form and vendor application.

For more vendor information, Click Here.

Cow Camp Cookoff 2019 @ Risien Park
Jun 8 all-day

Click images below to download pdf doc versions of both the team registration form and vendor application.

For more vendor information, Click Here.

Annual Opening Hunters Welcome Weekend @ Estep-Burleson Plaza
Nov 6 all-day
Annual Opening Hunters Welcome Weekend @ Estep-Burleson Plaza

Today is the annual opening of the Welcome Hunters Weekend at the Estep-Burleson Plaza. Hunters will receive goodie bags compliments the San Saba County Chamber of Commerce while supplies last.

SSVFD Steak Supper @ SSVFD Fire House
Nov 6 @ 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm
SSVFD Steak Supper @ SSVFD Fire House

This evening is the annual Welcome Hunters Steak Supper & Raffle hosted by the San Saba Volunteer Fire Department from 4:30 p.m. until “we run out!” Drive-through only.

Cost is $15 per plate. Additional Donations Welcome!

Lighted Christmas Parade @ Historic Downtown District
Dec 11 @ 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Join us this year on Saturday, December 11th, for our annual Lighted Christmas Parade.

If you are interested in participating in the parade and/or need more information, please call the San Saba Co Chamber of Commerce at (325) 372-5141 or email them at

Let’s brighten up this year by showcasing our community!