The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.

The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.
Join us this year on Saturday, December 11th, for our annual Lighted Christmas Parade.
If you are interested in participating in the parade and/or need more information, please call the San Saba Co Chamber of Commerce at (325) 372-5141 or email them at executive.director@sansabachamber.com.
Let’s brighten up this year by showcasing our community!
Come out today and support the San Saba River Golf Course in its brisket fundraiser. We start serving at 11:00 a.m. at the courthouse square. See flyer for details.
For course information, visit golfsansaba.com.