The San Saba Farmer’s Market is open today and each Wednesday through mid-August at the county courthouse square. The market will feature vendors selling fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, home-canned goods, honey, preserves, breads & pies, tamales and more. Be prepared to practice social distancing guidelines.
For vendor information, phone 325.372.4029.
Get your foursome ready for the annual Dove Project 4-Person Scramble Tournament hosted by the San Saba River Golf Course on Saturday, September 12th! Have fun golfing as you support a worthy cause. Please be prepared to practice social distancing.
For registration, phone the Pro Shop at 325-372-3212. To learn more about the San Saba River Golf Course & RV Park, visit golfsansaba.com. See you on the links!
The Rotary Golf Tournament is Saturday, September 26th, at the San Saba River Golf Course. The Four Person Scramble will feature a $10,000 “Hole in One” Contest, “Longest Drive” Contest, and “Closest to the Pin” Contest. Please be prepared to practice social distancing. To register for the tournament, phone 325-372-3212.
Join us this year on Saturday, December 11th, for our annual Lighted Christmas Parade.
If you are interested in participating in the parade and/or need more information, please call the San Saba Co Chamber of Commerce at (325) 372-5141 or email them at executive.director@sansabachamber.com.
Let’s brighten up this year by showcasing our community!
The annual Night at the Museum, celebrating Texas Independence Day and benefiting the San Saba County Historical Museum, is this evening from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the San Saba County Historical Museum housed inside Mill Pond Park.
For more about the county museum, visit www.sansabamuseum.org.
The Stan Weik’s 5K Cancer Stomp and One-Mile Fun Run/Walk is today at the San Saba River Golf Course beginning at 9:00 a.m.
This race is part of the Cen-Tex Race Series! For race information and registration, visit runsignup.com/sansaba5k