
SSBNC Meeting How Property Owners Can Help Birds and Other Wildlife @ San Saba Civic Center
Feb 19 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
SSBNC Meeting How Property Owners Can Help Birds and Other Wildlife @ San Saba Civic Center

The public is invited to attend the Feb. 19 meeting of the San Saba Bird and Nature Club. This month’s presenter is Mark Mitchell, a Natural Resource Specialist with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at Mason Mountain WMA in Mason County Texas. The title of his talk is “Management Techniques for Smaller Properties to Benefit Birds and Other Non-Game Wildlife”.

Jeff Forman will assist and bring some bluebird boxes. Forman is a TPWD wildlife technician who lives and works on the 5,300-acre Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Jeff is an expert on birds and will be available to help answer questions regarding bluebird boxes, their use and maintenance.

Mark Mitchell went to work for the TPWD in 1986 after graduating from Southwest Texas State University in 1986. His first location with TPWD was as a Regulatory Biologist in Gonzales and then Edna Texas with extra duties as a Non-game specialist working with Bald Eagles, piping plovers, peregrine falcons, colonial water birds, and whooping cranes. He transferred to Mason Mountain WMA in 1999 assuming the title of Site Manager in 2001. At Mason Mt WMA he has been involved with research concerning exotic ungulates, white tailed deer, Texas Horned Lizard, Texas spiny crevice lizards, collard peccary (javelina), and black tailed prairie dogs. He has also worked extensively with prescribed fire and other tools associated with habitat development and management.

Jeff Forman has worked with Texas Parks and Wildlife since 2005 with his only assignment on Mason Mountain WMA. His interest is anything with birds and plant identification and is responsible for bird banding activities (dove and Rio Grande turkey) and surveys on the WMA to include Black-capped Vireo, Northern Bobwhite Quail, and Eastern Bluebird.

San Saba Bird and Nature Club welcomes both biologists on Feb. 19, at 2pm to the San Saba Civic Center, 1190 S. Thomas Stewart Drive.

You are invited to join but need not be a member to attend SSBNC programs. All with an interest are welcome. For more information about San Saba Bird and Nature Club visit the website, or call 325-372-7615.

Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 29 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 30 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Kids Nature Kamp 2019 @ Mill Pond Park
May 31 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

The annual Kids Nature Kamp is May 29th – May 31st from 9:00 a.m. until noon! Registration fee is $10 per child. Registration deadline is May 3rd.

Jun 8 @ 5:45 pm – 11:30 pm

Tickets are now available for the Pecan Capital Street Dance XX, the second installment of the Hoffpauir San Saba Music Series. The dance featuring headliner, Wade Bowen, will be held at the courthouse square on Saturday, June 8th. Gates open at 5:45 p.m. Show begins at 7:15 p.m. Benefiting local non-profit organizations.

Tickets are $20 and available at

The 2019 San Saba Music Series is sponsored by:
Hoffpauir Auto Group
Heart of Texas Ford
Central Texas Farm Credit
San Saba Pecan, LP
Everett’s Furniture & Emporium
Harry’s Boots
Old Man Scary Cellars
San Saba Olive Oil Company
Aunt M’s Illustrated Inn
Greater Texas Stone
Wedding Oak Winery
G & R Grocery and Market
Young’s Burritos and BBQ
Greater Texas Stone
MK Gas

HOFFPAUIR SAN SABA MUSIC SERIES – Copper Chief @ Diggs Restaurant & Club
Jun 22 @ 6:30 pm – 11:45 pm

Tonight Copper Chief along with Shaker Hymns perform live at Diggs Restaurant & Club. Tickets $15 and available at Ticket sales benefit the Larry McNeely Memorial Scholarship.
The 2019 San Saba Music Series is sponsored by:

Hoffpauir Auto Group
Heart of Texas Ford
Central Texas Farm Credit
San Saba Pecan, LP
Everett’s Furniture & Emporium
Harry’s Boots
Old Man Scary Cellars
San Saba Olive Oil Company
Aunt M’s Illustrated Inn
Greater Texas Stone
Wedding Oak Winery
G & R Grocery and Market
Young’s Burritos and BBQ
Greater Texas Stone
MK Gas

HOFFPAUIR SAN SABA MUSIC SERIES – Texas Flood, Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute Band @ Diggs Restaurant & Club
Jul 20 @ 6:30 pm – 11:45 pm

The Stevie Ray Vaughan Tribute Band, Texas Flood, along with Black Valley play live tonight at Diggs Restaurant & Club.

Tickets are $15 and available at Ticket sales benefit the Never Surrender Organization.

The 2019 San Saba Music Series is sponsored by:
Hoffpauir Auto Group
Heart of Texas Ford
Central Texas Farm Credit
San Saba Pecan, LP
Everett’s Furniture & Emporium
Harry’s Boots
Old Man Scary Cellars
San Saba Olive Oil Company
Aunt M’s Illustrated Inn
Greater Texas Stone
Wedding Oak Winery
G & R Grocery and Market
Young’s Burritos and BBQ
Greater Texas Stone
MK Gas

HOFFPAUIR SAN SABA MUSIC SERIES – Buck Fuffalo & The Guadalupe Pirates @ Diggs Restaurant & Club
Aug 17 @ 6:30 pm – 11:45 pm

Buck Fuffalo along with the Guadalupe Pirates are playing live tonight at Diggs Restaurant & Club! Tickets are just $15 and available Ticket sales benefit the Texas Hunters for Heroes San Saba Chapter.

The 2019 San Saba Music Series is sponsored by:
Hoffpauir Auto Group
Heart of Texas Ford
Central Texas Farm Credit
San Saba Pecan, LP
Everett’s Furniture & Emporium
Harry’s Boots
Old Man Scary Cellars
San Saba Olive Oil Company
Aunt M’s Illustrated Inn
Greater Texas Stone
Wedding Oak Winery
G & R Grocery and Market
Young’s Burritos and BBQ
Greater Texas Stone
MK Gas

SSBNC Birding Field Trip to Enchanted Rock @ Enchanted Rock State Park
Oct 15 @ 8:00 am – 2:00 pm
SSBNC Birding Field Trip to Enchanted Rock @ Enchanted Rock State Park

The San Saba Bird & Nature Club will travel to Enchanted Rock State Park for several hours of birding on Tuesday, October 15th. Entrance fee is $7. If you wish to carpool from San Saba, meet at the Arrowhead Bank parking lot by 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday. If you are coming from points further south or another direction, meet the group at the park by 9:00 a.m. Bring your binoculars, a sack lunch, something to drink, and dress for the weather. If you have any questions about the field trip or the organization, email

Brisket Fundraiser San Saba River Golf Course @ San Saba County Courthouse Square
Feb 18 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Come out today and support the San Saba River Golf Course in its brisket fundraiser. We start serving at 11:00 a.m. at the courthouse square. See flyer for details.

For course information, visit